Saturday, September 4, 2010

12 hours - 6 hour difference + 8 hour flight + 12 hours of travel + 0 sleep = ...

Our travel day was certainly an interesting one...

We got to the grand rapids airport just fine. We even got onto the correct plane just fine. What didn't happen so fine was taking off.
We were sitting on the plane, listening to all the boring safety this and safety that, starting to pull away from the gate when the first announcement was made.
Apparently there was a difficulty with one of the engines. So we sat for a bit while they brought the engines up, and brought them down. This went on for about ten minutes, and then finally they made another announcement. This time saying that we were going to be pulling back into a gate and that the plane was going to be looked over by the maintenance.
They didn't know how long it would take to fix the plane. It was either going to be something that was fine, and could be waved until they had time to fix it, or it was going to be something more serious that would immediately need to be fixed. So we all got off the plane and sat in the terminal...just waiting.
After about 45 minutes, it was looking like we weren't going to be getting on our plane any time soon. So my dad went and talked to the ticket agents. He was able to get us on stand-by for the next scheduled flight to Detroit. Better yet, the ticket agent knew that we had an international flight to catch... therefore making us a priority!
So we got on the plane! This flight was on schedule, but as we were trying to pull into the airport at Detroit, the landing strips were so congested that we had to make a circle and wait for an opening. Making us about 20 minutes behind schedule.
Now, as we pulled into Gate A11, we realized we had about 15 minutes to get to our next flight. But, by the time I got off the plane (I was seated a few rows behind my parents) we only had about ten. So the second my dad was off, he was running for the next flight, the ticket agent at A11 shouting the new gate number to him. A50. We had to get from A11 to A50 in 10 minutes. Impossible! In the Detroit International airport... no way!
My mom and I were running together, my dad ahead of us. I heard the final boarding call for our flight as we were just starting to get into the 30's. But then, about half way through the 30s...all the restaurants and shops popped up. Now it really was impossible. We had 5 minutes left and weren't any where near the gate.
Luckily, the agents from our flight had called and asked to hold the flight for us and a few others who had been on the previous plane with us. I came barreling up to the gate just after my dad, who told me they were holding the plane for five minutes. Whew! We made it! So we boarded the plane, sat in our seats, and breathed. Needless to say my chest and lungs hurt the rest of the plane ride.

Once we landed in Frankfurt, Germany things went pretty smoothly. We were right on schedule. And! miraculously all our luggage was there at the carousel! We weren't missing a single thing! Although the bags were a bit beat up, one of mine is even missing the silver American Travel logo that is stuck to the front of the suitcase. But that isn't really important. We don't need EVERYONE to know that we are American.
We got onto the bus that would take us to Strasbourg two hours ahead of schedule. Got our rental car once in Strasbourg just fine and my mom and I sent my dad off with the luggage packed into our tiny Citroën c3 to our new home for the next 3 months.
My mom and I met Justine and Claire at the train station, and walked to the Cathedral. We sat and got a snack (my mom and I sharing an ice cream dessert) at a café in front of the grand Cathedral. Now we had time to spare before my dad was supposed to meet us there, but we didn't know how much time. Having no way of contacting him, we decided to just stay put.
Well...2 and a half hours later we finally found him. We were exhausted and ready to head back to the house. We said goodbye to Justine and Claire, and went back to the car. I wouldn't be able to tell you whether the drive was nice or not... because I slept the whoooole way. Once at the house, we got dinner from a restaurant directly across from our house, Restaurant L'Authentic. I had a tarte flambée gratinée. It was very delicious. Then sleep until 2:30 (14:30) the next day!