Tuesday, September 14, 2010

4.3 km + 3 hours of walking + zero shops = my first blister

Before I tell you about my day, let me clarify something. For those of you who are under the impression that I inherited my mother's insane enjoyment from running, hiking, or walking, a correction needs to be made. I most certainly did NOT inherit this trait. So, now that we are all on the same page...

We had asked our landlord yesterday if he could leave the bikes out for us to borrow for the day (biking I'm totally cool with). My mom wanted to ride into either Wolfisheim or Lingolsheim to wander around the town, see if there are any shops.
So we got up this morning and got ready to go. We went out to the bikes, patiently waiting for us in the little courtyard. As we were getting situated, my mom noticed a flat tire on the bike I had planned to ride. Well...I guess we aren't going by bike. 
Mom thought it would be a brilliant idea to walk to one of the little towns. She suggested we walk, and then we can take the bus back. I was alright with this plan. But it meant we had to go to Lingolsheim, since that is the only connecting bus route. Off we went.
On our way out of town, my mom got a little confused, and ended up taking us in the direction of Wolfisheim (from now on... only I give directions on our day trips). 
She said we could just have dad pick us up  on his way home from work since he drives through the town anyways (the fact that we wouldn't be getting out of work for 3 more hours didn't seem to register...).
To make a very long, and very painful story short (in which I  would have to tell about the dangerous way we walked along a road with no pedestrian walking area, and very narrow lanes for the cars)... the only thing I acquired from today (other than extraordinarily sore feet and dehydration) is a fat, festering blister on the back of my left heel. Oh goody. Good thing tomorrow is a lazy day at the house!

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