Monday, October 11, 2010

Europa Park

Went to the coolest amusement park ever with Justine and her parents. It's called Europa Park. It's in Germany, about an hour from where we are living.
The park is divided into different countries; Germany, England, Holland, Russia, Scandinavia, Austria, Iceland, Italy, France, Greece, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal. Each country is actually designed to look like the actual country. It was the coolest thing ever. The park was also all decorated for Halloween. There were hundreds of pumpkins...EVERYWEHRE! There were so many of them. And all the areas where you wait to get onto a ride were all decorated. It must have taken A LOT of work to get the entire park all decorated like that.
The first thing we went on was a haunted house kinda thing. You sit in a car with one other person and it takes you through a haunted house. It was cool. The beginning was the coolest. You wait in line, and then you are all shuffled into a room, where they try and scare you and the room moves down and then opens the doors to the area where you get onto the spinning car things.
Next we went to a roller coaster that was inside, so it was all dark. It was in what is normally just a giant ball, like the one at Epcot in Disney. But for halloween, they had it covered in fabric to look like a giant pumpkin.
After that roller-coaster, we rode  the Silver Star. It's one of the bigger coasters in the park and was super fun. The waiting line takes you through a mercedes building. So my dad was entertained while we waited to get on.
We rode a few other coasters and a couple water rides. The water rides were fun, because you didn't get completely drenched. Which was good because it was cold out, and we would have been really cold if we'd gotten any wetter.
In Iceland, they just built a new roller-coaster called Blue Fire. It's super fast and has a ton of twists and turns. My dad, mom and I all went on it. Justine had gone on all the other rides with us, her mom went on the smaller coasters, and her dad only went on the non-coaster rides. Justine said she wasn't sure if she wanted to go on it. She said she didn't like the loops, so she skipped this one.
I think, of the day, my favorite ride was a coaster that wrapped around these cool mirror covered buildings. You get onto the ride at the bottom of one of the buildings, inside, and it goes around and around and around on the inside of the building. The cars also spin, so as the coaster is coiling up to the top, the cars are also spinning.
Then, you get to the top, and you are VERY high up, and the coaster goes and you drop and spin and circle three buildings. The ride itself was a lot of fun, but the part I liked best was my mom's face. This is what made it my favorite ride.
My mom is afraid of heights. And this is one of those rides where your sitting in the car and you can't see the tracks at all, so you just feel like your in open air. She was freaking out. Her face was PRICELESS. When we got off, she just kept saying it was the scariest thing she'd ever done.
Justine and I laughed from the moment we got on the ride, and continued to laugh after we got off. We just couldn't get the look on my mom's face out of our was too funny.
We ended the day at a restaurant on our way home that Justine's parents said had the best tarte flambée. And they were right!

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