Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Where did all the teens go?

I can't believe that it's October all ready! But more, I can't believe I'm going to be 20! Holy cow! I'm not going to be a teen anymore!

Went downtown today because I successfully read every book I packed for the three months...oopsie! So I bought two new books. I'm starting to really worry about space in the suitcases...

So, wedding stuffs update. John and I are thinking that rather than having a wedding cake (cause neither of us is a huge fan of cake) we would have a chocolate fountain, and a candy counter. Chocolate fountain, my idea. Candy counter, John's idea. I love both! Hope are guests aren't hugely disappointed about not having cake!
Besides...who says you have to have cake at your wedding, just cause all the cool kids do it doesn't mean we have to! And no, Marie Antoinette DID NOT SAY "Let them eat cake." Just thought you all should know : )

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