Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sunday and Monday

Sunday was another uneventful day. We drove around Strasbourg a bit to see some sights my dad wanted to see. Then we stopped downtown, got lunch, and picked up some yummies for chocolate fondue (which I happened to ruin the first bar of chocolate we had, so we had to bust out the second. Oopsie!).
Monday, mom and I took the train to Paris to use up a train ticket.
We went to Montmartre, and saw Sacre Coeur. Mom did a bit of shopping, and we got lunch in a really cute restaurant (where we saw a little mouse scurrying along, the guy sitting near us freaked out. It was awesome).
Then we went to La Cinémathèque Française for Logan. We took some pictures, and went inside to look around. Mom wanted to see the  INSIDE of Notre Dame (something she's never done...even though she'd seen it twice now).

After that we went over to Champs-Èlysées to visit Laduree, a famous store that sells the world's best macarons. Then we stopped in a restaurant to have hot chocolates and dessert before getting on our train back home. A very fun day!
We made sure to touch Point Zero before leaving!

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