Monday, September 6, 2010

Home Sweet Home


The entry way

Walking into the 
living room/kitchen

The stairs are pretty treacherous
Hallway between bedrooms
My bedroom
Love my skylight!
Don't love my dresser space...
Across the hallway to my parents room

This is where Frank (our ghost; who followed us all the way here from our house in Grand Rapids, Michigan) lives
Along with our ironing board

Yup, tiny stairs...

and our tiny car!

So that's our home here in France. I like it! With the exception of no oven in the kitchen!

So today, my mom and I braved the bus and tram routes. Not before having a very deliciously french breakfast. While my mom struggle to get out of bed, I sat and had toast with framboise jam, a cup of hot chocolate, and a small glass of juice. Yum!
We left the house sans tickets and knowledge of the routes. But once we got to the bus stop (located just around the corner from our house, conveniently enough) I was able to decipher the map. 
Once on the bus, I talked to the bus driver (in french!) and got my mom and I aller-retour tickets for   1,40 each. We took the #22 bus to the Lingolsheim Alouettes stop. There we got off and got onto the B tram, taking this to the L'Homme de Fer stop in Strasbourg. All-in-all is was a very uneventful, safe, non-stressful adventure. Just the kind I like! 
Then we found Justine and she helped us get a bundle of cts tickets for the tram/bus routes. After, we got lunch at Bretzel Burgard in Place Kléber. I got a sandwich with tomatoes, mozzarella, and olive oil with basil spices. The best part about it though, was that the bread was pretzel! It was shaped like a tiny baquette, but was all browned on the outside and fluffy on the inside like a pretzel! 
After lunch we wandered through some shops. I got Carter and Kenadee surprises. By now it was about 4:30ish (16:30), so it was time to head home. We bid Justine au revoir, and hopped back on our tram home. 

Walking back from the bus stop, we stopped into the boulangerie/patisserie and got a baguette to go with our dinner. As we strolled back to our house, I nibbled on the end of the baguette, thinking, "just how french I am." 

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