Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Tonight we all ventured to IKEA. My parents aren't enjoying their french style pillows (which are squares, and very flat), so they wanted to get some from IKEA.
Not surprisingly, it took us FOREVER to get to there. What is it about IKEAs being impossible to get to? You can see the big, blue building...but you can't get to it!
My dad knew where it was, sort of. Long story took us about 45 minutes to get there.
Then we wandered around, found the pillows, and my mom found some tupperware. She also found measuring spoons (pictured above) and suggested we get them since there aren't any at the house, and when we return to the U.S. I can take them to the apartment I'll be moving into. It was only when we were in the car that I really looked at them, and realized that they had European in the metric system. From biggest to smallest, it goes; 100 mL, 15 mL, 5 mL and 1 mL. I can't help but laugh at the fact that we didn't stop to think about the fact that they would be metric measuring cups. Such a stupid american mistake to make!

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