Friday, September 24, 2010

The ITSY Bitsy Spider

Well, I made a new friend here in France. He's dark, with long legs, and eight lovely, FREAKY eyes. Yes, he is a spider. A very creepy spider. With VERY long hairy legs.
I was just sitting on the couch, minding my own business, when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. Now, something to keep in mind, the pattern on our coach is very busy (as you can partially see from the picture), so it took me a moment to discern the pattern from my new buddy chilling next to me.
But I can definitely say that it didn't take me a moment to leap off the couch and start pulling the typical "girl hops around" pose. I managed to capture the little bugger (after chasing him all over the couch, behind the door, and under a table with a floor length drape).
Let me just say, he was FAST! Holy cow. Did I mention he has really freaky long legs? At one point, no joke, I thought there had to be at least three of them running around. I didn't see how it was possible for him to be scarpering behind the door, and then suddenly two inches from my hand on the couch armrest. Freaky... But anyways.
I captured him in a tupperware. I left the tupperware on the counter with a note saying, "DON'T TOUCH! (TRUST ME)" This morning, I transfered him to a blue glass jar to show to my dad after he got home from work. He then set him free...I hope he doesn't come back for revenge...
The red spiral is the same size as my palm...
And the chase begins...

After sealing my new bff in his jar, I got ready to meet Justine and Marion downtown. I got there just a little after the scheduled time (due to complications with the bus ride). Claire met up with us shortly after and we retreated from the rain into a salon de thé (tea house). We attacked our noses with wonderful smells of different teas for a few minutes, and then decided to get a snack at a café.
We went to a little place and got some drinks. I got a sirop de pomme vert (green apple sirop). Essentially, what they do is pour a glass of water, and then add a flavored sirop to it. There are probably hundreds of different sirop flavors. Justine got violette and Marion got mangue (mango). We each tried each others, and I definitely liked mine best, but all three were super delicious. I also had a sip of Claire's green tea, which was pretty darn good as well.
We wandered through a couple shops and then it was time for me to head back home for dinner. A very good day. Especially for the cold and rainy weather.

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