Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chez Achard

Went to Justine's house for dinner tonight!
We were supposed to be at their house at 7:00 (19:00) and my mom wanted to pick up peanut butter (for our sandwiches for the train tomorrow) on our way. So we left here about 6:15ish (18:15). Long and frustrating story short, we didn't get peanut butter and we arrived at the Achards at about exactly 7 o'clock.
Claire and Marion were there as well. It was so good to see them! We sat down to Chinese soup. It was quite good. I've never had it before and didn't know what to expect. I don't know how it is typically done, but we ate it serve-yourself style. They had a big bowl of the soup, which was mostly broth with some cut up peppers, some mushrooms, etc in it. Then they had little bowls of; bean sprouts, green onion, egg, ham, steak, chicken, shrimp, and such, plus a bowl of chinese noodles with seaweed. Basically you took some broth and put whatever of the other ingredients in that you wanted. It was delicious.
After the soup, we had cheese. Of course. They had 4 different kinds, two of which were goat. All delicious.
After cheese they brought out the chocolate fountain. YuuUuummm...
Justine's mom was in the kitchen, putting together the fountain and making the chocolate and we kept hearing lots of noise. Finally, Justine's dad comes out, to show us that her mom had broken the third bottom tier to the fountain. At first, I was sad cause I thought we wouldn't get to do the fountain. But then he just shrugged and said "oh well." Once everything was ready, they brought it all out.
They had; kiwi, apples, pineapple, banana, clementines, and marshmallows. My mom really went to town on the marshmallows (she also had the messiest plate by the end). After having our fill of delicious chocolate covered fruits, we all finished digesting and talked for a bit. It was a very enjoyable evening. Justine's parents gave us a book about Strasbourg (in english, thankfully, so I don't have to attempt to translate the whole thing), and her mom gave my mom a gift for my mom's birthday. It's a chocolate pumpkin, filled with fancy chocolates (picture coming soon). I also borrowed three movies from Justine; How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Chocolat, and Blue Crush. This will be good for mom and me over the next few weeks to relax and enjoy while eating her chocolate pumpkin.

Off to Italy tomorrow! We travel all day tomorrow, Saturday we wander, Sunday to a gallery, and Monday traveling home. Going to be a fun weekend!

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