Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Tale of Me and My Big Fat Mouth

Well, I'm officially an idiot...

Last night, John and I were talking and he was telling me about a conversation he had with a buddy at work...
"So, what if Taylor says 'no'?" buddy from work asked

"Yeah, what if I say 'no'?" I said, jokingly...
"Well, then I will leave you at the airport and drive away." John
"What was that?" me
"I said 'then I will leave you at the airport and drive away'.." John
another pause...
"But how will you know at the airport if I say 'no'?" I ask... already knowing the answer

In short...John ruined his plan for how he was going to propose. But I feel like the idiot, because I helped ruin it. I should have kept my big mouth shut, and then he would have still been able to do it. I'm so would have been so cute! And now it's ruined... Stupid me.

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