Monday, November 15, 2010

Les Bains de Lavey

Sunday, my mom had to decide between driving to Geneva, or going to a spa in Switzerland that was on the way home. She chose the spa.
After spending quite a bit of time searching for this place ( Les Bains de Lavey ) , we finally found it, and went in. This spa was a bit bigger than the one we went to in Germany. The outside pool was bigger, and had a really cool whirlpool area in the middle. They also had lounge chairs set up inside, in front of floor to ceiling windows so you could lay in the sun, without being in the cold air. They had lounge rooms, that were scented and lit differently. They had saunas (1) small one 2) bigger one and hotter 3) medium temperature...but nude) and hamamas which are steam rooms (1) women only and  nude 2) men only and bathing suits 3) menand women with bathing suits). They even had a bar. It was quite enjoyable.
After three hours here, it was time to head home, stopping in Colmar for dinner.

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