Monday, November 15, 2010

"Don't You Think?!" Drunken Momma

Well, this weekend was our farewell to going abroad. No more long travel days and lugging luggage. While this is a happy thought, it's also a bit sad because it means this vacation is coming to an end.
So saturday, up and on the road. We drove to Evian (yes, like the water bottles), France. The funny part about this, was that we drove through Switzerland to get there. The original plan for this weekend was to stay in Evian, because it was cheaper than in Switzerland, but spend the majority of our time in Geneva. We never even saw Geneva.

On our way to Evian, we stopped and ate lunch somewhere in Switzerland along Lac Leman (Lake Geneva). Once we got to Evian, we parked and got settled into our hotel. Then, since it was getting late in the afternoon, we decided to stay in Evian for the evening. We wandered around the streets for a bit. Then we stopped into a salon de thé. I got a really yummy coconut cappuccino. My mom had decided that we were in need of a night out, since we hadn't seen much nightlife (apparently the time in Nice, Rothenburg, and here in Strasbourg with Justine's family were forgotten). So we went to dinner at an italian restaurant and after dinner, my mom and I each ordered a grappa, and my dad  ordered a eau de vie. Grappa can be anywhere from 70 to 100 proof...needless to say I couldn't drink it. With dinner I had ordered a sirop l'eau (which is like grenadine...but isn't just cherry flavored, there are all kinds of flavors) citron (lemon). So I just poured some of the grappa into my drink. Then it didn't taste too bad! But I only poured about half of the grappa I was given, so I still had quite a bit left (the glass came with the grappa over the directed pour line). My mom didn't really like hers, but still felt the need to finish it. She then proceeded to help me with mine. After having half a bottle of a strong red wine with dinner...she was quite happy at this point. It was only 8 o'clock.
After dinner, mom wanted to go to the casino bar for our "late night out". So we walked to the casino and got in. Mom wanted to gamble a little, so we got set up at a slot machine. Dad and I couldn't figure out what exactly we were supposed to do, so I just cashed out after a couple tries and only lost like 20 cents. My mom was happily pushing buttons and miraculously winning money. We managed to persuade her to cash out before things got out of control and she won 4 euros! Then we went to the bar. She ordered a "martini" but it wasn't a martini, it was a drink with Martini brand alcohol. It wasn't bad. I ordered a Tangenika, which had vodka, orange, pineapple and apricot juice in it. It was super delicious! By the end of this (around 9:30) mom was a bit...smashed. So it was time to call it a night. We headed back to the hotel, but had to stop at the car because mom, and I quote, "I have to have some of my chocolate!" The only problem is that we had parked the car on the third level down of the parking lot. And the stairs were spiral. She laughed at them the entire time down. By the time we got to the bottom of the stairs, I was laughing so hard at my mom laughing at the stairs and saying "these stairs are so funny!" that I was crying. Our late night may only have lasted until 10 pm...but it certainly was no less entertaining for it!

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