Friday, November 12, 2010

Deux Dindes!

Well, today was very successful!
Mom and I woke up early and got ready to go. We had made plans with Justine to pick her up from her house, and drive to Betschdorf, France; which is a city along the pottery road. There is classic pottery for the Alsace region. It's really beautiful and we've been wanting to go there for awhile.
So, my mom drove my dad to work in order for us to have the car, and we set off. This was going to be the 4th time we have driven to Justine's house (1st time for my mom driving), and every time we have gotten all turned around and lost. So we left here just a little bit before 10:30 (we were supposed to meet Justine at 11, and it is SUPPOSED to only take 15 minutes to get to her house...but has always taken us much longer). We got there 15 minutes later...without a single hitch! We were actually early!
Then we went on our way. This drive went smoothly as well (after a near death experience during a left hand turn and a confusing intersection...) and we got to Betschdorf in good time. Good job mom for excellent direction following!
We walked up and down the slightly deserted streets (it was a bit like a ghost town...but with a surprising amount of traffic) and stopped in a few shops. My mom picked out some things and I got something special, and then it was time for lunch. So we ate at a little restaurant, and then back on the road.
Justine showed us the way to a town in Germany because she thought they would have jello for us (my mom has been looking for it for one of her Thanksgiving dishes and France doesn't seem to like jello). We got to the store and found the jello. Then we made our way to where the milk was, and once there, I noticed my mom had fallen behind...she was in the frozen meats area. I motioned to her and she said, very excitedly while holding a frozen, wrapped bird, "I think it's a turkey!" So I went over, only to discover it was a goose (I think it's safe to say that 'bird-watching' can be scratched off my mom's potential hobby list). But further down the aisle, was a whole spot full of turkeys! So we now have two turkeys 'chilling' in Justine's freezer, waiting to be enjoyed for Thanksgiving dinner here in France. By the case you were wondering, I named them Bill and Paul : )

1 comment:

  1. I love how excited your mom probably got over the turkeys in Germany! :) And that you named them, silly girl. Come home!
