Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Goodbye for another couple years...

Sunday morning we got up...rather slower than usual. We got breakfast, and then Guenter picked us up at our hotel (just as bubbly and buoyant as usual!).
He took us on a little driving tour and Aalen and showed us a few of the sites. We stopped first at a really neat old castle (where Guenter told us a very entertaining tale from his young years), and then saw a church with a crazy intricate ceiling. After that we stopped at another castle, and then went back to his house.
We had  planned to go into Ulm for the day and walk around and get lunch. Luzimar had originally planned to come with us, but she was teaching two dentists to speak Portuguese (she speaks Portuguese, English, German, French, Danish, I forgetting anything...hmmm...) at 4, and our driving tour had pushed us into early afternoon. So she decided to stay behind and prepare for her lesson. She was very anxious about it because the doctors only had two more weeks before they were leaving.
So we headed out and got lunch first thing in Ulm. We had Pfannkuchen (or Eierkuchen), with is a german traditional food. It's pretty much like a giant french crèpes. It was pretty good. Then we wandered around the city. My mom really liked it. It was a really cool town. They had old and new everywhere.
Then we bid goodbye. My dad and Guenter said, "See you in another few years."

Everything (besides the clock) was painted on the town hall.

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