Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Une dinde GROSSE!

We got chocolate fondue. Yum!
Well, yesterday mom and I met Justine downtown so that she could help us at a boucherie. We are cooking Thanksgiving dinner here in France for Justine, her parents, Claire and Marion. Only problem...the French don't really do turkey like we do, in fact...they don't really eat turkey like we do.
So we went into a butcher shop, and Justine talked to the guy behind the counter. Surprisingly, he was very helpful. We would be able to have it by Thanksgiving, they had the proper size...and it costs over 14 euros per kilo. We need about a 7 kilo birdie...
14 euros x 7 kilos = No Thanksgiving Turkey
Instead, my mom is going to buy the seperate meat pieces at a hyper-marché. So there will still be turkey, just not a big, uncarved bird. Which would have looked much more impressive, but it's not worth the 140 euros.

Today mom and I went downtown to see a store that Justine told us about. Monday night, we went to an E. Leclerc that we pass by occasionally, and it is a hyper-marché (which is the next step up from a super-marché). The place was HUGE! It was like knapp's corner Meijer...only TWICE the size! I walked down the toy aisles...and felt like a kid again. They went on forever.
This is just the toy area...
But Justine had told us that the Auchan is even bigger. So mom and I took the bus to the tram to the other tram there today (which took us an hour), and when we walked in, it first felt like a mall. There were all sorts of shops, sort of encircling the grocery store. Then the grocery store itself was super big. It was quite the adventure. We wandered around a bit, and my mom found sweet potatoes that would work for her really delicious sweet potato dish.
It just goes on for days...
Then we were both starving, so we found a sandwich shop. We sat down and ate, and then we were standing at the cash register paying. The guy that had served us came over and, he must have heard us talking, because he said "anglaise?" and I told him american. He made a shocked face and said "oh!" and then he smiled and walked away. As we were just about to leave, he comes over and hands me a little package, and said something really quick. The only thing I got out of what he said was, "Barack Obama" I looked inside the bag and there was too little bonsbons (candies). I thanked him with a huge smile on my face and as we walked away I explained to my mom what he said, and we both cracked up. Thanks Obama for the free cookies!

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